
Each week on Wednesday’s we catch up with each other for a chat, coffee and a bit of lunch.

There are no commitments to the club, so feel free to join us.

We conduct many activities, below is just the tip of the iceberg.

Please contact us for our next activity or simply join us on Wednesday’s

Every Wednesdays 1200h – Willows Shopping Center

Townsville Veterans would like to thank Milk Expresso for their continued support.

Stay and Play

Monthly Get-aways to Forrest Beach Motel.

We would like to thank The Forrest Beach Hotel for their continued support.

Indoor Golf

Some major fun happening here, come and join us for a game, a beer and tucker.

Contact us to find out when.

IMC Steak House

Come and join us for many dinners at different restraunts around town, the would is your oyster.

For our next outing contact us.

Day and weekend trips to Magnetic Island

Swim, Fish and relax with other Veterans on Townsville beautiful Magnetic Island, just 20 minutes from Townsville.