About Us

What we do now.

We are simply Veterans who enjoy  each others company.

There is no commitment obligations so feel free to come and catch up with us at our weekly coffee at “Milk Express” Cafe, Willows Shopping Centre.

We conduct many activities such as:

Weekly Coffee catchups

Monthly weekend getaways to local places such as Forrest Beach Hotel, Mission Beach

Monthly activities such as indoor golf, ten pin, dinners and much more.

How we came about.

Veterans Motorcycle Club – Townsville Chapter.

In July 1994 it was decided that a northern branch of the VVMC Queensland Chapter would be formed. In 1996 the branch was presented with its own banner. In 1998 it was decided to break away from the southern Queensland Chapters and form a North Queensland Chapter. In 2003 the Townsville Chapter was formed and its first official “Stone” run was held on ANZAC Day 2003.

The Townsville Chapter of the VVMC had played a significant part in the Veteran community in Townsville, the biggest Garrison city in Australia. The Chapter provided a family friendly brotherhood for our Vietnam Veterans as well as the Veteran community in general with in the far north of Queensland. The Chapter would conduct a minimum of 5 “Stone” runs each year with 2 runs being compulsory to all patched members, those 2 runs were held on ANZAC Day and Vietnam Veterans Day in remembrance of fallen brothers.

In 2012 the Veterans M.C. was formed within the VVMC. The decision to do so once again played a vital amount of significance within our Veteran community as it allowed Veterans from all conflicts since the Vietnam war to be eligible to become members and proudly display the “ Casper” (skull and slouch hat). It also enabled the traditions, motorcycle club culture and values that were created by our treasured Vietnam Veterans within the VVMC to be continued and passed onto younger Veterans for generations to come.

The Townsville Chapter had patched members with service from most if not all conflicts The Australian Defence Force had been involved in since the Vietnam war including Somalia, Rwanda, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, Solomon Islands, Asia, as well as other areas of the Middle East. The Chapter held a great deal of important military history within the Townsville district dating back over two decades. The Chapter was a highly respected part of the motorcycle community within Townsville as well as a respected ex service organisation which supported Veterans and their families within the district.

Members of the Chapter at the time of its closing had the very unfortunate responsibility of formally closing it on the 20th July 2023. There’s a saying within the VVMC/VMC nationally which is Veterans Forever Forever Veterans, and all members who have previously earned the privilege to wear the “Casper” will always be considered brothers in arms and Veterans Forever Forever Veterans. VFFV

The official Vietnam Veterans & Veterans Motorcycle Club (VVMC/VMC) Townsville Chapter colours that were proudly on display at the Townsville Military Museum were stolen. Those colours were an extremely important part of The Australian Defence Force Veteran history in Townsville. It represents Veterans which served this country during conflicts and also represents Veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation. An honour roll has been sewn onto the material representing past Veteran members of the Chapter that have since passed away.


22 Australia Townsville Veterans Support Group

In 2021, the Vietnam Veterans and Veterans Motorcycle Club – Townsville Chapter (VMC) ran in to a few issues that saw most of its members leave the chapter and go their separate ways. The VMC Townsville was one of the biggest VMC Chapters in Australia.

It was decided by the remaining members of the chapter to continue the chapter. The Chapter at the time has a rental property at Casey Street in Townsville, the members had decided to leave the property to save on rent. An associate member at the time suggested that the chapter move into his house, utilizing his shed as a clubhouse at Jensen, the members could not help thinking that the associate member only offered as he was at risk of being removed from the chapter as he was found to be unsuitable and was not in keeping of the traditions of the VMC.

At the time of vacating the property, we packed up all of the VMC property into a shipping container which was eventually stored at Jensen at a cost to the VMC. During the transition to Jensen, the members also decided that it would be appropriate to pay the associate member rent for the chapter to have the clubhouse at his residence.

The VMC from this time was in full swing with new members arriving and with the VMC still able to conduct various rides. It also allowed us to continue to support our local veterans. The chapter remained at Jensen for a couple of years.

In early 2023, there was some unrest amongst the members and made accusations against the President at the time. At one meeting, the associate member, against the wishes of another member and his wife, decided to take it upon himself to air a situation that would see the President resign from the VMC. The actions of the associate member divided the chapter further and a new President was elected by the members.

A point to note at this stage is that the associate member was not a full patched member as he was not a veteran, he was simply a civilian that thought he was a veteran. Moreso, the VMC as a whole have some rules in place that allow certain members of the public to join and in particular outlines those who can’t, one such person are prison guards, this was all brought about what was called a UMCQ agreement between the VMC Chapter in QLD and the Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs.

The new president found himself in a predicament that could have forced him to resign from the chapter, however with the support of all of the members fought a fight until the chapter was “low balled” by another member of the chapter who reported all aspects of the Townsville Chapter to the Queensland State, needless to say, that member quickly resigned after the fire became too hot.

The President, still with the full backing of the members decided to close the Townsville Chapter, and then 22 Australia – Townsville Veterans Support Group was formed. All assets from the VMC were transferred to the new organisation. The members had decided that the new 22 Australia should be rune the same way as the VMC chapter was with the same rule and traditions.

Once we established 22 Australia, it was time to clean house, the associate member took it upon himself to destroy much of the VMC Chapters property only leaving the property that could be used by 22 Australia.

Everything was running smooth with 22 Australia; the associate member became the “caretaker” of the clubhouse of the newly formed 22 Australia. Then in late November 2023 the new chapter decided to take a trip to Lucinda with family, it was an amazing trip.

Unfortunately, during this trip, the caretaker took it upon himself to issue a “Prospective member” a t-shirt with the 22 Australia logo, anyone who has had anything to do with a motorcycle club that no prospective member received any merchandise with the chapters logo until they become a full patched member. Later that night the Caretaker approached other members asking for help because he was a struggling alcoholic who was at the point of losing his family. The Caretakers son was also at Lucinda who also asked 22 Australia to help his dad. As with our organisation we always support our members regardless of if they were civilians. The Secretary spent the following two weeks, contacting various organisations seeking help the Caretaker. As he was a civilian, the options were very limited.

Prior to the next General meeting, a few weeks later, the President had informed the Caretaker that things would change to help him recover. The morning of the meeting, the committee gathered over coffee, to try and nut out some proposals to help members who were struggling in particular members struggling from alcoholism, they had two.

The committee’s proposals were to not open the fridge until Friday nights and hold our Friday night “get-togethers” at different venues where you could not get totally inebriated. These were designed to benefit these members. The night of the meeting the proposals were put forward to every member in attendance, with every member having the opportunity to express their thoughts about the proposals. Most of the members had little or no objections to the proposals, with the exception or the two that the committee was trying to help.

During this same meeting, despite the President informing the Caretaker that his actions at Lucinda were not in keeping with the traditions, took it upon himself to raise a proposal that “Prospective members receive a t-shirt with the chapters logo, this proposal was rejected by all but the two struggling. That night after the meeting the President has sent a text message to the Caretaker advising him again that his actions were inappropriate, unfortunately the president was not good at expressing thoughts and his text message was mis construed and taken totally out of context and the way it was meant.

The Caretaker took it upon himself to contact any member who would listen to him to get them to resign. This action caused most of the members to resign from 22 Australia, however most were not Veterans. It’s is evident by now reading our history that the Caretaker was nothing but trouble since joining.

Since this meeting the Caretaker has made various threats towards the members stating that he would shoot members if they stepped on his property despite it being the clubhouse. At the same time the Caretaker has taken it upon himself to retain chapter property.

The members of 22 Australia decided to walk away from Jensen and especially no longer have anything to do with the Caretaker.

After all that has happened to the VMC and 22 Australia, 22 Australia is very much alive today, supporting each other and the Veterans of the Townsville Area.

Today we are simply known as “Townsville Veterans